Saturday 12 March 2011

UNIT TEST, record questions

Record questions:

1)     write any program for ‘inline functions
2)     Wap to find the avg of the three subject using classes
3)     wap to demonstrate constructor and destructors
4)     illustrate about the friend function with suitable example
5)     demonstrate about function overloading with example
6)     to overload the – operator using unary and binary
7)     to overload the + operator using binary and unary
8)     to overload the ++ operator using unary operator
9)     wap to overload the - – operator using unary operator
10)wap to process the student information using array of objects
11)wap to demonstrate the pointer to object
12)illustrate about references variable.
13)wap to demonstrate the ‘this pointer
14)using a new and delete operators
15)wap to add two objects using passing objects to functions
16)wap to swap 2nos using function templates
17)wap to demonstrate classes templates
18)wap factorial of a given no using single inheritance.
19)   Write a program to implement multi level inheritance in c++.
20)  What is multiple inheritances? Explain with a simple program.
21)  Write a C++ program using virtual function.

                      UNIT TEST QUESTION PAPERS
year 2011
Subject code: CM-505
SUBJECT NAME: OOPs thru C++ (2010)

1. Differentiate Between C And C++
2. list out the properties of OOPS?
3. Explain Reference variable with example?

4.(a) Explain about Friend function and its characteristics with examples? (or)
   (b) Differentiate between Structure, Union and class?
5.(a) Explain about types of Constructors and Destructors? With example? 
(or) Explain about Inline Functions, Its advantages and its rules?
6. Explain about function overloading and operator overloading with examples?
                                                        last year question paper(2010)
Total marks 20
1. What do you mean by a class? Give an example.                          
2. State the relation between base class and derived class.                                                                     
3. State the usage of ‘this pointer’.

4.(a) explain how returning objects  concept with an example
  b.) explain how to pass objects to a function with an example. (or)                                                                                                
(a) What are new and delete operators?
(b)What are the various types of access controls(access specifiers?
5.WAP to illustrate the use of array of objects              (or)                        
   Explain pointer to object with the help of a program.
6.Explain about: templates 
(a) function based templates
(b) Class based templates.   
   Explain the concept of inheritance. WAP to implement multi level inheritance in c++.

                                                                    OOPS THROUGH C++
UNIT TEST-II(march/2011)
Time: 1 Hour                                                                                Max.Marks:20
I. Answer All the questions. Each question carries 2 marks                              3*2=6 
1.      What is Pure Virtual function
      What is Virtual Base Class                       
2.      State the relation between base class and derived class.                                                                                    
3.      State the usage of ‘this pointer’.(or) List out I/O Manipulators


II. Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 7 marks                              2*7=14
4.      (a) explain operator overloading? advantages, rules with suitable example        
      (b.) wap to overload Binary operators. (or) 
5. (a)WAP to illustrate the use of array of objects              
    (b) Explain pointer to object with the help of a program.
    What are new and delete operators
6.   Explain about: templates (a) function based templates.                                
(b) Class based templates.   
   Explain the concept of inheritance. WAP to implement multi level       inheritance in c++.


  1. 15) Write a C++ program using virtual function.
    wat v should write answer 4 this sir,

  2. i will post virtual function program soon, or i will give u the material to u
